Collagen D6


GUNACOLLAGEN – a homeopathic   product, which, unlike products containing allopathic collagen, stimulates the synthesis of patient’s collagen. Collagen (from the Greek kólla - glue and genos - create), is a fibrillar protein of the scleroprotein group, which is the main protein in collagen fibers of animal connective tissue.


Structure: The collagen molecule is a right-twist spiral of three α-chains. This formation is known as tropocollagen. One twist of the helix α-chain contains three amino acid residues. The molecular weight of collagen is around 300 kDa, its length - around 300 nm, and thickness - 1.5 nm.

The primary structure of the protein is characterized by high lysine content, low sulphur content containing amino acids, and the absence of tryptophan. Collagen is among the few proteins of animal origin which contains residues of non-standard amino acids: about 21% of the total residues account for 3-hydroxyproline, 4-hydroxyproline, 5-hydroxylysine.

Each of the α-chains consists of a triad of amino acids. The third triad amino acid is always glycine, the second - proline and lysine, and the first - any other amino acid in addition to the three amino acids listed above.

Collagen exists in several forms. The basic structure of all collagen types is similar. Collagen fibers that are formed by the aggregation of microfibrils acquire pink colour when stained with hematoxylin and eosin; a blue or green colour when stained with various trehhromnyh, and brownish-yellow - when impregnated with silver.


Main indications:

  • preventive treatment for premature skin aging
  • lifting effect for face, neck and cleavage
  • cellulite prevention and treatment

The aesthetic effect:

  • Increased skin elasticity;
  • wrinkle reduction
  • cellulite reduction


  • Does not cause allergic reactions
  • Does not contain hormones
  • Suitable for prolonged use
  • Suitable for all skin types


The main advantages of collagen D6 is the overall benefiting effect on the skin. The product provides the maximum possible correction of age-related changes of the skin by restoring skin’s normal physiological processes; it is completely safe for other organs and the body as a whole.

Mesotherapeutic treatments are recommended as a preventive measure for patients starting from the age of 30, but significant results can be achieved for 60 year old patients as well, if the treatment is regular.

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